Feministischer Protest zur Anhörung zum “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” (SBGG)
Feminist protest outside the hearing on the “Self-Determination Act”

On November 28, 2023 the German government held a hearing on the proposed “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” (SBGG) bill. Independent, critical feminists were not invited; their criticism of the law, which has serious consequences for women and girls, has been consistently ignored or trivialized. Therefore, very early in the morning, women protested against this insistent denial of feminist voices.
Before the sun rose, women gathered outside the Paul-Löbe-Haus, where the SBGG hearing would be, to demonstrate what would actually happen if this bill became law: a funeral for women’s rights. Also, to protest the exclusion of critical feminist voices from the conversation, women held their own feminist hearing – featuring experts in the field – on the proposed “self-ID” bill.

Anhörung zum “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” im Familienausschuss – NICHT OHNE UNS!
Kommt am 28.11. um 7:30 vor das Paul Löbe-Haus und protestiert mit uns gegen den Ausschluss feministischer Stimmen von der Anhörung und aus dem gesamten Gesetzgebungsprozess und nehmt an unserer feministischen Anhörung teil!
Wir sind betroffen, wir haben ein Mitspracherecht!
Hearing on the “Self-Determination Act” in the Family Affairs Committee – NOT WITHOUT US!
Come to the Paul Löbe-Haus on November 28 at 7:30 a.m. and protest with us against the exclusion of feminist voices from the hearing and from the entire legislative process and take part in our feminist hearing!
We are impacted, we have the right to have a say!
Thank you to all the women who joined, and special thanks to the co-organizers from Lasst Frauen Sprechen, FrauenAktionsBündnis FAB, and Feministische FrauenLesbenaktionsgruppe.
Recordings of feminist expert testimonies are available here:
Thank you to the speakers of the Feminist Hearing (in order of appearance):
- Julia Beck von Radfem Kollektiv Berlin
- Prof. Dr. Monika Barz von FrauenAktionsBündnis FAB
- Manuela von Lasst Frauen Sprechen
- Usah Zachau von SAFIA e.V.
- Güleren Eren von Feminist Discussion & Action
- Monne Kühn vom autonomen Frauenhaus Uelzen
For more information, here is the official press release of this jointly-organized action: