Düzcinsel Beklentiler

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FEMİNİST VESVESE tarafından Türkçeleştirilmiştir. “Grev hattından bahçelere çit çekmeye”. Straight Expectations’ın arka kapağındaki bu alıntı, kitabın içeriğini, tonunu ve tarzını iyi özetliyor. Julie Bindel, tüm yaratıcı siyasi direnişine rağmen asimilasyon ve boşvermişliğin lehinde inişe geçişine üzüldüğü eşcinsel kurtuluş hareketine bir ağıt yakıyor.

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Der Gender-Raub

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Eine feministische Auseinandersetzung mit Transgenderismus von T M Murray Das Gender-Konzept war mal cool. Unbeugsame Feministinnen wie Simone de Beauvoir, nutzten es um das, was zwischen den Beinen ist (sex [Anm. d. Übers: biologisches Geschlecht]) von dem zu unterscheiden, was zwischen den Ohren ist (gender [Anm. d. Übers: soziales Geschlecht]).…

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Dworkin Hatte Recht

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The right of men to sexually access women's bodies “is the heart, soul, and balls” of male supremacy, regardless of whatever style of advocacy is used, Right or Left... Men will do anything, promote any idea, support any policy, that maintains their access to women.

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(Radical) Feminist Theory Books

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We aim to develop and share knowledge among women, not only from in-person discussions, but also through reading and analyzing women's feminist writings. Thus, we would like to offer this incomplete list of our favorite books, in no particular order, which we gladly recommend: Phyllis Chesler Women and Madness/Das verrückte…

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