by Anna Strom (in cahoots with some horribly mean and wicked women)
All featured quotes are from an English translation of the original French text; all images are our own design.
Disclaimer: This is a radical feminist response to the text “Trans ultra violence”, spread on October, 14, 2024 by Paris Luttes, shortly after the author(s) and about 50 other people intimidated and tried to assault two women with whom they politically disagree. We want to make clear that we take male violence and threats of male violence seriously – after all, it is the bedrock of patriarchal rule. It is always good to show the fragility of their male egos and how inconsistent and ridiculous their ideological ravings are. However, the whole screed is also hilariously pathetic, so we decided to have some fun analyzing this dangerously necrophilic male-rage manifesto.
That being said, oh boy, what in the world are you smoking, huh?
What we understand from your text, because you made it deeply and excessively clear, is that you looooooooooooooooooove violence. You adore it. You find it so sexy that you probably wanna fuck and then marry it and make it do your dishes!
What we also understand is that you loooooooooove death and destruction! You love carnage so much that you probably had a boner nine times while writing that text – at least that’s the number of death threats you thought were appropriate to direct at those two women who you love to hate. Like any good patriarch, you are indulging in your love of hate.

So, you love violence, death and destruction. All of that was kind of obvious. What we as feminists would like to understand is: what exactly turns on your rage? You argue that your reasoning and imagination closely resemble patterns of women’s rage and violence, but is that really true? Or, does your rage actually resemble men’s patterns of rage and violence in patriarchy – which, to your admitted shock, others clearly argue? We don’t want to pop your bubble, but let’s be honest. You didn’t even try to conceal where you’re coming from, and we almost wish you’d made more of an effort! If you want to make sure your super-special-brand of violence doesn’t look so characteristically male, then you might want to rethink your reasoning, or at least try to hide your obsession.

First of all, you adorable little rebels, we are truly very sorry for the unfair misrepresentation in the media which you claim has victimized you. Of course you are strong and big and mean! And most of all, yeees, you are evil and dangerous! How dare anyone infer anything else!
We clearly see it from your text – and everyone else looking can see it, too! But this is the first thing that brings us to a problem. Your male rage is showing (and some might feel inclined to say it has a permanent erection – but let’s get to that later). What you share with us so generously is a rage that we see in common male murderers. It’s the rage of men that want to be seen as strong and threatening, but no one takes them seriously, and then they get all cranky and try to force the world around them to finally bend to their will. This grandiosity is – and we all know it, we feel it in our female bones – a dangerous male pattern of justifying violence.
Your second failure at subterfuge is that you rant about the fear that you want to instill in others. Fear? Hmm… Isn’t that the instrument some men in power use to control others? You wish to weaponize fear like a virus growing roots in other people’s heads to stop them from having certain ideas.

Now, one might wonder how this wish is in any way compatible with anarchism. Last time we checked (maybe that’s outdated now, who knows!), the theory of anarchism – the absence of rulers/dominance/power-over – was antithetical to controlling others through fear. Using fear to control others and intimidate political opponents – maybe, just maybe, another political system is more closely aligned with your ideals. But, oh, which one could that be?! Boys, we got it! The political ideology you’re looking for starts with an “F” and continues with an “A-S-C..”. But after all, we’re just women, so what do we know about men’s politics! We’re just learning from you.

Ah, learning. Another thing we were surprised to learn from your superior wisdom is how you combine your sadism with female patterns of violence. This was a bit of a challenge for our feeble lady brains to grasp. Unless we are correct in stating that these things are, on a systematic level, not compatible at all! This is yet another motive that you failed to hide. You say that you love and desire the sensations and feelings that the use of violence brings out in you.
Interesting! Now, what does the use of violence usually cause in others? We guess it’s something like… Pain, fear, discomfort… So, to make it clear: what you enjoy, or what brings a feeling of satisfaction to you, is the sensation of inflicting pain onto others. This sadism corresponds to fear and control, which we just addressed. We find this interesting, because we understand this to be absolutely compatible with men’s psyche in patriarchy. More broadly, this is compatible with the general model of patriarchy: the sadism/masochism model of society and social interactions where one is on top, one is at bottom; one commands, one has to follow; one controls, the other is being controlled. Radical feminists have long understood that this hierarchical power relation is the core of patriarchy. This is the ideology of all wars – and feminists know that matriarchies are characterized by the general absence of this hierarchical model.
Your sadism is so in line with male violence – especially male sexual violence that enjoys breaking boundaries for exactly the sensation you describe, a sexual thrill. You love violence for the most obvious reason,which you attempt to hide from yourselves but fail spectacularly at hiding from everyone else. You love violence, because you are men, born and raised in patriarchy, no different from any other patriarch, not even a little bit.
We also noticed that you were a bit disappointed about the lack of “degradation” towards those two women with whom you politically disagree. Hah! That’s a good one. Here you are admitting something that you probably did not want to tell us: that you also enjoy the thought of degrading those women. Hmm. We think that in order to be able to degrade someone, you have to be in a position of power over them. You’re probably thinking, ‘but that’s not fair!’

You wrote that whole text, because you’re still telling your angry little selves that those wicked women are in fact in a position of power over you. (You’re showing a bit of a lack of class analysis by failing to name what those women’s structural position of power is relative to you – but we don’t wanna be too petty!) But let’s face it. You gave the secret away: you’re the ones in a position of power over them, on the basis of – your denial won’t help you here – your male sex. Yes, that’s right, we said it: because you are men, male people, born and raised in a system of male supremacy, you are in a position to degrade women and enjoy it. Because you are men, you are in a position of power over women on a systemic, societal level.

This brings us directly to the next topic: your male entitlement. The simple fact that you shared your unfiltered violent fantasies on the internet like this shows how entitled you feel about expressing your woman-hating fetish for all the world to see. You’re exposing yourself in public, just like the male flasher who waves his genitals at women, and you think exposing yourself like this is okay.
Reality check, boys – it is NOT! And hating women like this in public, for all the world to see, is not making you any stronger. Woman-hating is a feature of your patriarchal programming, but embracing this hatred chips away at what makes you human.
Your woman-hating seems to be a huge drive in your rage. We’re not sure – did you actually want to hide it? Because it jumped right out at us when you complained about those two women “whining” about the “valid and legitimate” death threat you and others posed for them, that this was bad for your ears, and that these women in fact are guilty of “victim-blaming”. So, just to clarify: you threaten the lives of two women, then you make fun of the fear you installed in them – the very same fear that you admittedly enjoy like a good ol’ perpetrator. This implies that they got… well, how would men call it… hysterical? And then you accuse the victims of your death threats of victim-blaming. So the victims of your violence were… blaming the victim? That’s some kind of patriarchal reversal you got going on there. We can only assume that you don’t know at all what you’re talking about.
Your whole text is a perfect example of how to blame female victims of male violence. After all, with an awful lot of words, you attempt to justify exactly this: your male violence. We also must assume that your statement of making rapists and chauvinists afraid is nothing more than a cheap virtue signal. Because given the context of your writing, one truth is yelling at us: the only people you actually and honestly want to make fearful of are – drumroll please – women! Otherwise you’d be out hunting rapists – or any other male of the same mindset as you – instead of dreaming about “smashing” women’s heads.

You have successfully proven – with your very own words – that you are indeed part of the sex-class that women demand protection from (however strongly you claim otherwise)!
On a positive note, we have good news for you on at least one point: Your fellow male comrades are collectively and tirelessly working on your biggest wish and greatest political goal: the destruction of the world!

We know, you might not have heard about it yet, but it’s happening in real-time. While you are busy threatening to murder women, your brothers are putting all of their macho energy into the death of all forms of life on our planet. Isn’t that nice of them? They all wanna destroy the world together with you! Sharing visions, aw, isn’t it beautiful?!
And we agree – you will never find sisterhood: it is not open to you by any means. But we heard brotherhood can be quite comforting: there is violence and fear and control and destruction. Everything you love is already there, you just chose the wrong crowd.
And while you do you – as women, as feminists, we will continue to do what we do best: channel our rightful anger into creating spaces, books, texts, art and music that are focused on building a society of community and connectedness, free from your male violence, male entitlement, necrophilic fetishes, hierarchies and control. Because that’s what women have always done.

That being said – we wish you all the best on your road to enlightenment. But watch out for mirrors! The fascists might look you right in the eyes. Make sure to take a good swing at them.